AmigaOS3.5 (236/967)

From:Greg Tallent
Date:5 May 2000 at 12:02:20
Subject:Re: GVP IO card not working with 3.5?

Back on 01-May-00 10:34:18 Len Carsner Wrote:
> This may have already been covered. If so please forgive me.

>Since upgrading to 3.5 I have had trouble using the GVP IO card.
>It acts like the software cannot find the card. The system slows WAY
>down and it acts like something is happening, but the GVP screen
>comes up. It worked perfectly with 3.1. It still worked at optimum
>once I upgraded, but I have since had to reload everything due to
>drive failure. Now I cannot set the functions of the card and Miami
>cannot "find" it.

The GVP IO prefs program doesn't work here in screenmodes with more than 8
colors. try reducing your colors to 8 or less and see if it works then.

It seems to be a bug in the program that was never fixed.

Greg Tallent
gwt at

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